2011 • 2010 • 2009
2008 • 2007 • 2006 • 2005 • 2004
2012 - 2018
During this period Fopspeen has been part of producing two iterations of Filmverse - a South African poetry + animation project funded by the ATKV.
March Production concludes on Uit die Bloute, a KykNet channel branding exercise.
March Charles gets married.
March/April Die padda wou gaan opsit met sy nooi in die vlei Music Video for Gert van Tonder and Snotkop.
March Fopspeen creates a corporate video for Grinaker LTI, the company that constructed Soccer City and the Mandela Bay Stadium, as well as animated visuals for the first live event ever to be held in Soccer City.
April Fopspeen Moves to Rietfontein, Pretoria.
June Production commences on Uit die Bloute a channel branding animated series for KykNet.
January to December Justice Gang, Series 2.
February Het Vogeltjes ABC wins an award for ‘Best animated film for children at the Tehran International animation festival, Iran.
February Agenda Fopspeen receives a SAFTA award.
April Agenda wins an online short film competition in the Africala Festival, Mexico. Diek travels to Mexico as guest of the festival. The festival opens on Wednesday, and is shut down on the Thursday due to the outbreak of Swine flu. The less said about the whole trip, the better.
May/June Danie Marais Diek does animation to two poems by Danie Marais: “In Duitsland waar die wolke in gelid marsjeer”, and "Saturday night live”.
October Het Vogeltjes ABC is invited to the prestigeous KROK animation festival in the Ukraine. Diek and Charles sets of for a fab ten day trip down the Dnieper river, meet crazy Russians, drink too much Vodka and win an award for ‘Best animated film for children'.
October/November Uit die Bloute Fopspeen develops an animated series about a suburban Afrikaans family. It is pitched to Kyknet. It is posted on u-tube to rave reviews. By April 2010 we are still waiting to hear whether Kyknet wants it.
January Justice Gang airs on SABC 1. Our official TV debut.
August & September Het Vogeltjes ABC Based on the children’s book of the same title, by Piet Grobler. “Vogeltjes” premieres at the Berlin Book Fair in October.
August to October "B" Diek conceptualises and animates “B”, an ‘art’ animaimation for exhibition at Fried Contemporary gallery in Pretoria.
Stop working on The Finer Things, and Silly Poems.
Start shooting Agenda.
August Fopspeen's website launches.
September Little Bang gets nominated for a SAFTA award. The Finer Things wins BEST SHORT FORM AUDIOVISUAL ENTERTAINMENT MADE FOR MOBILE AND/OR INTERNET; FACTUAL, at Mipcom Audiovisual Content Market, Cannes, France.
Start production on The Justice Gang for Handheld Films, commissioned by SABC 1.
January Fopspeen relocates to its current geographical position. It is a long story… Sanna gets shelved, where she patiently bides her time…
Shooting Little Bang in the dead of winter, at night in a garden shed. Shooting takes five weeks, not counting the week everybody was in bed with severe flu.
6 September Little Bang premieres at Platform on 18.
November Little Bang at its first International Festival, in Tirana, Albania.
Start working on The Finer Things, and Silly Poems for Speedy Productions SA.
We attend our very first International Animation Festival: Anifest Trebon, Czech Republic. We are the only representatives of the African continent.
Charles attends the KROK animation festival, Ukraine. Meets Merlin Crossingham from Aardman Animation. Gets himself invited to spend time at Aardman studios.
He also meets and gets himself photographed with animation legend Juri Norstein. Diek still hates him for this.
Completes shooting episode 6 of Sanna’s Garden.
Inception of Fopspeen Moving Pictures (previously Fopspeen Live Art), doing little arty animations here and there, often for performance purposes.
Diek and Charles start working on Sanna’s Garden with a $7000 grant from the Critical Ecology Partnership Fund.
Completes the first episode of Sanna’s Garden.
Complete the second episode. Animation skills have improved to such an extent that we decide to RESHOOT the entire Episode One.
Complete reshoot of Episode One.